22 December 2022



What is a packshot photo?

When a user visits a website, the first things they see are images and videos. Indeed, the human eye is attracted to what it can see before reading it. The first images of your website are therefore of crucial importance since they really determine the image you send back and the first impression the user gets of you.

Taking a packshot photo means capturing a single product or service to showcase it. It is therefore a format that can be adapted to any type of environment, whether it be for culinary photography, luxury goods photography, cosmetics, leather goods or even fashion design. It can be used as a corporate photo on a website or in a magazine. This is a very interesting format for which you must rely on professional quality and a clean, well-touched final result.

Why packshot pictures are essential for your company?

The packshot photo is the one that is generally found in the foreground of your site since its purpose is to show a close-up look of your products or services. The product itself is highlighted to show the details. The quality of this shot is therefore essential because this kind of shot is most often found on catalogs or websites, but these are places where the customer needs to see the product, to project himself with it and to want to buy it. It is therefore advisable to call professional photographers and to have the use of a photography studio to optimize the quality and get advice on how to photograph your products.

Moreover, the quality of an image on your website or catalog is also a sign of confidence. If the quality is good, if the image is bright, generates attraction, then the company gives off a positive image, quality, which we want to trust.
You should not neglect the photos that you present to your image, it is an excellent investment. The more the image is liked, the more you can improve your conversion rate.

The best methods for your packshot photos


It is a good idea to stage your products or services during the photo session to better showcase them. Be careful not to confuse commercial photography with pack shots. The packshot can be staged but must give a very realistic image of the product, while the commercial photography must create positive emotions thanks to the setting. It is important to keep in mind that the focus should be on the product.

Capture the attention

The product shot must catch the eye of the potential customer. It is therefore necessary to work hard on the depth of field, the lighting and the enhancement of the product to generate interest. That’s why it’s important to work with professional photographers. During the photo shoot, you must use quality equipment with film and good studio lighting.

Choosing the right background

The background of an image, especially in packshot photography, is very important because it sets the tone of the photograph. In general, a smooth background is recommended to highlight the product, without any angle for a better visibility. The background color(s) must be sober and in agreement with the product and its packaging.

360° views

You can opt for 360° views that allow an excellent presentation of the product with the possibility to show the product from all angles. This type of shot allows the potential client to zoom in on the object, so sharpness is essential for these photos.

Mastering the close-up

We talk about close-up when we zoom in very close on the product. It is therefore necessary to master the camera, the zooms, the sharpness, the play of shadows or the luminosity. This requires an important and professional mastery, but also an artist’s eye. The close-up is very useful in addition to show an object from closer.

Having the right photography tools

Being well equipped is always an asset in addition to the talent and creativity of a professional photographer. Using a tripod, a lightroom and a quality camera will allow a better rendering. It is also necessary to be creative to use objects that will improve the colorimetry of your photography. Indeed, sometimes it is enough to use a sheet, a plant or a watch to create the right reflections and the right light. This is where a professional photographer will be able to offer relevant ideas thanks to his experience.


The work does not stop at the photo shoot, the post-production part is very important. To retouch details such as brightness, blur, brightness or background, the stage of photo retouching is essential to sublimate your products. After selecting the best shots, you have to go to the post-processing step to obtain the expected result by modifying all the chromatic defects.

Our photo professionals at Lakeprod for your packshot photos

Our professional photographers are experienced in the field. They know how to position their reflectors, how to use natural light, and they know many techniques adapted to packshots of various products. It is an advantage for a photographer to have experienced different types of business because it allows a great ability to adapt.
A photographer can therefore immortalize your packshot photos whether you are a watchmaking, fashion, restaurant, cosmetics or industrial manufacturer. Industrial packshot is possible for certain objects, to present industrial renderings or to create product portfolios.
This is a world that our photo professionals know how to handle to perfection. They will be able to advise you for the setting, the management of the image size, the shadows or the reflections.

Lakeprod accompanies you for your packshot photos

Our team of professional photographers will accompany you on your projects to obtain the best rendering of your image. They will be able to give you relevant advices and propose you a follow-up in post-production for a professional and personalized result. Our teams have a photo studio equipped with quality equipment with projectors and studio flash, and can move in your premises according to your needs. Lakeprod’s photographers are qualified to offer you quality packshot photos in order to show you off.

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