14 September 2018

Photographing luxury products for your marketing campaigns

Lakeprod Blog Photographier Produits De Luxe Ornata
photographing luxury products for your marketing campaigns

Photography of luxury products, for example Swiss watches and clocks, is an integral part of luxury marketing. In order for your brand to retain a good image with your customers, you need to mark them from the first visual contact.

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Successful product photography, a key issue for your business

Surpassing the marketing strategy adopted by manufacturers of mid-range products is the first challenge for well-known brands.

Indeed, they are aimed at a targeted clientele whose sensibility generally differs from that of the general public. Each photo must therefore meet their expectations, particularly in terms of storytelling. Purchasers of luxury goods prefer objects that tell a story.

Designing the best products on the market is useless if the photos that are supposed to promote them do not do them credit. The products to be photographed should be highlighted, emphasizing their “personal” characteristics. The object is individualized. For example, if the product to be photographed is a table, it is important to find the angles that highlight its shape, rather than just a top view and a front view. But that’s not all: it is crucial to bring out the personality of the product, to subjectivate it, to give it a character and a story of its own.

the importance of details in your photo shoot

One of the main differences between luxury products and others is the finishes. A detail can change everything, and even become a company trademark. This is the case, for example, with Louboutin shoes and their famous red sole. This important aspect, if it is well protected by intellectual property, allows your brand to become unique and attractive to customers.

Thus, when photographing luxury products, it is necessary to highlight the details and sophistication or, on the contrary, the perfectly refined finish of the object. It all depends on its design, but the idea remains the same: no question of giving in the blurred holiday photo. If it’s a jewel, don’t hesitate to use the macro mode to show the details of the setting or the facets of the cut gems. Similarly, if it is a luxury garment, the embellishments, fabric texture and stitching weaves are all important.

In the case of this Ferrari, do you feel the care taken in the shooting?

Lakeprod Blog Photographier Produits De Luxe

put your luxury products in context

In the field of e-commerce, competition is increasing day by day. Therefore, an effective visual strategy is essential to stand out from the mid-range brands. As a result, details and product quality are no longer sufficient to ensure the marketing of luxury products. Rather than one or two scattered photos, favour a real communication strategy to articulate your campaign. Create a story, a common thread, a link between all your visuals.

Choosing the right environment for your photo shoot increases its added value. What would become of an actor without a script, a play without a set? The contextualization of the product responds to this storytelling requirement. Just like the story, and its strategic background, the shooting location must be carefully thought out.

your creativity, to differentiate yourself

Luxury products sometimes have an extravagant, almost crazy side to them. If this is the case, photography can play on this string to highlight them. Whether in the arrangement of the object or in the chosen background, the presence of striking details can help create a personalized universe for them.

Depending on the products and target customers, the methods of photography for luxury products vary. However, one constant remains: the highlighting of each particularity of the product, through content that conveys a story, a real adventure that contributes to personify the object in the eyes of the consumer.

Our team of professional photographers / videographers can carry out your luxury shootings.

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