08 November 2022

Portrait corporate

Lakeprod Blog Portrait

What is a portrait photo?

A photographic portrait is a portrait of a person, often in a large format so that the upper body and more specifically the face can be seen. This type of format appeared in the 19th century, and being less expensive than painted portraits, their clientele rapidly expanded.
There are photographers who specialize solely in portrait photography because it requires excellent technique in the play of light and shadow, it is a profession in itself. It is also possible to take self-portraits using a mirror, a delay device or a remote shutter release.

What is a corporate photo?

A corporate portrait, also called a corporate photo, is a photograph used in a professional environment with the help of fairly codified framing and rules. The most common is the use of a neutral background, usually white or grey, but nothing prevents originality, on the contrary. It is important that the bust and shoulders are shown in addition to the face. This format is often used for photos on LinkedIn or on company web pages.

What are the best practices we use at Lakeprod for a corporate portrait?

  • The right equipment: to take portrait photos, several types of lenses can be used, but the medium or long focal lengths with 50 or 85mm allow to obtain very good quality portraits with a blurred background, it creates little distortion. At LakeProd we don’t use the wide angle lens much because it is not optimal for corporate photography.
  • Excellent light management: depending on the light, the face can be more or less emphasized. Indeed, in sunlight the model can be disturbed, and his face less well defined than in a studio where the light will be more controlled and where the contrasts will be less. Similarly, overhead lighting is not recommended as it is not flattering. At LakeProd we work in a studio or on your premises with rigorous and creative methods. We opt for artificial light using reflectors to manage shadows and contrasts.
  • Highlighting the model: the first thing to do is to put the model at ease and therefore be confident that the result you are expecting will also meet their expectations. You will then be able to direct them better and they will feel more confident to pose. Then, you must always find a way to sublimate the model in order to present him or her in the best light by choosing the pose that corresponds to the outfit, the morphology, the location if it is not in a studio, and the expectations of the client. The three-quarter pose is often used because the result is often good.

Why call on a professional for your corporate portrait photos

Calling on a professional photographer will allow you to be sure to obtain a quality result. Indeed, making photo portraits requires experience and a keen eye to obtain original and personalised shots, but above all that correspond to the company’s standing. A professional has the ability to produce beautiful effects, manage the camera’s exposure meter, and use professional equipment. The use of lighting to enhance a model is very technical in order to deliver a professional image, and with experience, a specialist photographer will quickly find the right balance. The best photographers will be able to create a first impression of the company through the photos they take, as a photo can really deliver a message, an intuition.

In addition, the professional photographer is qualified to do the post-processing that allows the photos to be embellished and the result to be refined. Post-production is an essential part of a photographer’s work, as the corporate photos will most often go on the company’s website, so they must be adapted to the company’s image. He can add photo editing to enhance them. It is therefore wise to use a professional photographer for your corporate photographs.

Finally, thanks to your corporate photographs you will have a professional image. You can for example cover one of your events with a photographer who takes portraits, and then use the content for your communication. You can also create a portfolio for your clients, or improve your online presence. Whatever format you use your portrait photos for, if they are professionally taken, they will be a success.

Portrait photos for communication

Images play a key role in your corporate marketing communication strategy. Indeed, they define part of your visual identity and your personality. You can stand out from your competitors through your photos by defining your brand image.

You can also use this format for your external communication as well as for internal communication. Externally, taking photos of the members of a company and exhibiting them gives a human face to your company. This is often very positive and inspires confidence. Internally, it puts a face on each workstation and creates more cohesion and corporate spirit.

You can also feed your social networks by presenting your team through corporate portraits. This will give you a dynamic image and improve your digital identity. Visual communication is essential nowadays, and corporate photos are becoming more and more useful for business communication. Corporate photos are therefore so important for your image that it is essential to call on a professional photographer for your photo sessions.

How we accompany you for your corporate portraits at LakeProd

At LakeProd we are committed to providing you with the right corporate photographs. Our photo studio is fully equipped, but we can also travel or take outside photos. Our professional photographers will listen to you and will make you feel at ease while advising you. Don’t hesitate to call on our services to get the portrait photos that will boost your communication!

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