what style of photos to adopt on instagram?

Instagram has become the preferred social network for younger generations. The quality of the photos and an impeccable presentation are essential to have a style all your own and a nice Instagram feed to attract followers. These followers will guarantee the visibility of your posts, and thus of your products or services.

good quality photos
This would be the most important tip to make your Instagram account attractive and enjoyable. Indeed, it is unthinkable to have blurry photos on this social network, because its essence lies in the publication of photographs. Good quality photos are therefore to be preferred. On the other hand, simple photos will be just as effective as photos that are sought after and full of objects. The trend is now towards very clean photos dominated by light and cool tones.
Regarding filters, it is advisable to keep the same filter style from one photo to another. Even if the most liked photos don’t have filters, the most popular ones are Willow, Sierra and Valencia. In any case, avoid saturation if you do post-production, which makes followers flee, and filters that are too marked and distort the photo.
Another trend can be interesting to present different products: flatlay. This technique consists of taking photos of objects that are flattened and is perfectly suitable for your advertising shoots. This allows you to group several products in one photo. You can also make contextualized photos of your products, such as food staged with dishes and table decorations. This technique is also useful because it avoids shadows. So, have fun taking a variety of photos, while keeping a certain harmony for yourself.
a harmonized account
And precisely, a harmonized account will be pleasant from the first glance, it draws the user directly to your Instagram account. To have a harmonized account, it is advisable to focus on one color, which will be declined on different photos of the account. As we have said, accounts with a predominance of cold colors are the most popular at the moment. If you prefer warm colours, the important thing is to keep a harmony throughout your publications on Instagram. Similarly, to keep your followers loyal, it is wise to keep a common theme on your account, such as fashion or architecture.
As you may have noticed, the white margins left on the sides of Instagram photos are fashionable. Indeed, leaving white spaces on each side, or only at both ends to create a rectangle, makes it easier to view your account. This is often used by photographers or influencers. The latter generally have very nice accounts that can be used as inspiration. Their accounts are full of good ideas about photo framing, colors, or popular publication types.
To conclude, your Instagram account should not only feature stylish, quality photos, but also be part of a harmonized package to make the consumer want to buy. But that’s not all, don’t forget the hashtags to be accessible to as many people as possible. They are especially useful for referencing your photos, and thus your products or services on Instagram.
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