02 December 2017

why make your own pictures instead of using pictures from image banks?

Lakeprod Blog Pourquoi Faire Vos Propres Photos Plutot Qu Utiliser Les Photos De Banques D
why make your own pictures instead of using pictures from image banks?

The photos that appear on your website or your communication materials will be responsible for the first impression a prospect will have of your company. That’s why these photos must be carefully chosen to attract at first glance. A word of caution: it is illegal to use images taken from image banks that are not free of copyright, or to use them without buying them.

Lakeprod Blog Pourquoi Faire Vos Propres Photos Plutot Qu Utiliser Les Photos De Banqu

customize your photos

For your site or your communication supports, it is important to personalize your company photos, because your differentiation will initially be made thanks to them. Indeed, they must look like you and give a real impression of your company. This will guarantee uniqueness in the eyes of your customers and prospects, which will lead to a relationship of trust. Image bank photos look alike and are becoming more and more common. By using them, you do not create a difference with your competitors, because they will have had this reflex as well.

Also, personalized photos, made by professional photographers will show the values of your company and will create a real differentiation with your competitors. Your creativity will be put forward and you will be able to attract your customers at first glance. Finally, these photos will be made to measure and will be used to optimize your referencing, notably thanks to the renaming and post-production of the photos.

professionals at your service

To meet your expectations, it is advisable to call on professional photographers, who will be able to capture the challenges of your business and highlight your assets. Moreover, they will be force of proposal and advice to achieve your objectives. The advantage of using photographers and not image banks is to have a real contact with whom you can discuss your desires and expectations.

These photographers will also be able to create a long-term strategy for your website, your social networks or your communication supports. You will be able to call upon them for every need without wasting time looking for the right photo on image banks. This can be interesting for a given event or to make your greeting cards for example. Another negative point of the image banks is that videos are not at your disposal, and it is necessary today to have a company video to be visible.

This type of service has a cost, but the investment you make today will allow you to attract prospects and customers tomorrow. They will see a real creativity and difference compared to your competitors. You need to attract their curiosity.

If you would like more information on how to create multimedia content for your company (marketing videos, etc.):

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