
Lakeprod Realisations Etude De Cas Meylan Bandeau
Lakeprod Realisations Etude De Cas Meylan 03

client context

For more than 40 years, Meylan Frères SA has been a company specialising in the cutting and shaping of highly technical micromechanical parts. In their precision industry, the use of stamping allows them to offer the production of reliable, ultra-precise parts that can be produced on a very large scale.
They have developed an international reputation in a wide range of fields, from automotive to watchmaking, electronics and medical.

project goals

Our team intervened in order to create for Meylan a multimedia library of the different processes, machines, departments and achievements of the company.
The objective was to demonstrate the company’s precision work in a niche market by highlighting the manufacturing process from A to Z, from raw material to packaging for the delivery of parts.
Used on the website and at trade fairs, the photos and video presentation of Meylan Frères SA made by our team was intended to present these processes to everyone.


By adopting different photo and video techniques, we were able to show all aspects of the complex process of making these micro-mechanical parts.
In this context of taking photos and videos in an industrial context, our photographers/video makers faced a challenge in the use of light which they took up to highlight the technical nature of this company.

The wide shots made with a drone allowed them to highlight their premises and the magnificent scenery of the mountain where they are located.
On the contrary, it is by using very tight plans that we highlighted the unique design of each room and the raw materials used.
Just as the micro parts have a central place in this factory, the engineers and machines have an essential role in the manufacturing process. Both in photos and videos, our photographers have captured their concentration and the precise and meticulous movements required to produce these parts.
In this way, every step of the manufacturing process of these parts has been immortalized.

A word from the photographer:

It’s fascinating to see all the steps in creating these tiny pieces and the movement of the machines, it was like a dance.
