reportage sofia gonzalez

Lakeprod Realisations Projet Photo Et Video Sofia Gonzalez 4 1
Lakeprod Realisations Projet Photo Et Video Sofia Gonzalez 2 1


Sofia Gonzalez is a young Swiss Paralympic athlete whose only motto is to surpass her own limits. After participating in the 2012 Olympics as a spectator, Sofia has a new dream: to take part in the 2020 Olympics as a Paralympic athlete.


The objective of this project is to present the daily sports daily of Sofia, through a video shot in the form of a report. Surrounded by a close-knit family, its touching story and ambitions are an integral part of the filming.


The video project gives a better understanding of Sofia’s personality and a glimpse of her sports training, while the photo project highlights the different environments Sofia encounters in order to optimize her performance.

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