Architectural photographer

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Architectural photography aims to sublimate buildings, paying homage to the architect’s vision.

It plays with light and composition, exploring the details and lines created, to create a dialogue between the architectural intention and the photographer’s creative expression.

Why take an architectural photo?

Real estate photography has proven itself in the enhancement of the exterior or interior of buildings.

The first photo of a real estate ad is carefully looked at by 95% of Internet users against 76% for the rest of the content.

Our professional real estate photographers use their know-how and experience to guarantee you a top-of-the-range rendering that will seduce your clients.

Our professional photographer will take all your pictures, architecture and interior design photos, shots of your buildings (from the most historical to the most modern), staging of urban infrastructures and many others in order to provide you with a complete and well worked photo book.

How is the architectural photo taken ?

Each shot requires precise technical knowledge: each architectural location is unique and therefore, it is necessary to highlight its specificities. Moreover, architectural photography requires a good command of perspective. Our interior photographers will highlight every detail thanks to their know-how, attention to detail and state-of-the-art photo equipment.

The shots of interiors or exteriors can vary, the photographer can play with the architecture thanks to the effect of perspective, framing, vertical lines, lighting to give the visuals the aspect of your choice. The post-processing will highlight the work of architects and designers.

They can use drones for outdoor shots to have a larger field of vision. They can also use the 360° photo to get an overall view.

Our architectural photographers are at your service

A real estate photo must be aesthetic and harmonious. Our real estate photographers will be able to transcribe the atmosphere and history of the place you want to enhance. They will be able to rely on their experience and creativity to take quality pictures of your heritage, building sites, achievements and buildings.

Interior architecture photography requires a thorough work before the shooting. This is why our photographer specialized in architecture carefully prepares the photographic report. He must indeed decide on the most suitable time of day for the photo shoot, depending on the outside light. He will therefore carry out spotting shots in order to observe the play of light and to guarantee an impeccable rendering of the textures thanks to a great depth of field.
